
Beautiful Child

O beautiful child, rise within me.

Show me how to laugh and live.


There is a beautiful child

in all of us.

She lives in the deepest place 

of our souls

where spontaneity and surprise

overrule the grimness of getting

through the day.

She flaps her arms to soar with

hawks through feathery white clouds,

falls down in delight to examine

a blue flowered weed

pushing its way through the sidewalk crack,

cartwheels down the bread aisle

at the market,

and asks the homeless guy on the corner 

his name.

She is fearless,

innocently faultless,

disarming in a gentle way,


easily provoked to dance.

She thinks that if she stretches

tall enough she can

really reach a star.


O beautiful child,

wanderer in my soul,

rise within me.

Soften the jagged

edges of my life.