
Gone Fishing

I have my fishing pole ready,

with my bait, hooks, and my line,

my gloves, my bucket of water,

and my good fishing knife.

I brought my book,

a pilgrim progress,

food, a deck of cards, and a chair.

Because even though the canal is full fish,

nothing ever bites when I am there.

I see them just beneath the water.

I think one of them winked at me and smirked.

It was only a few minutes later,

that I felt my line start to jerk.

I reeled it in hard and fast,

but it was the least of my desire.

When I was hoping it would be a bass,

it turned out to be an old tire.

That arrogant fish played a trick on me.

He started to get on my nerve.

I hope someone catches it,

so it\'ll get what it deserves.

The battle between me and the fish goes on.

Today he might have won.

We will meet again some other day,

until the war is done.