
Love\'s Leadings

Tune: Unde Et Memores

(\'And now, O Father, mindful of the love\')


Your love continues, flowing full and free

And reaches in a measure e\'en to me

Spirit inspire me with your living breath

Reside in my heart now and unto death

And too that I your love with others here

Love, life, with which there can be no compare


Come fan a spark, a flame, where I burn dim

Igniting a passion for Christ, for Him

Who has for us, for me, for all mankind

His life given freely, but not resigned

For offered willingly, He Shepherd gave

His life upon the cross for all to save


To know, share in your love, though if not felt

Yet still outpoured, it you to us have dealt

Whether warm, good feeling, or barren, dry

Yet still to ourselves this  truth we apply

That we are loved, you have your plan, your will

For us, and your grace avails to us still


We can in you grow, more to your image

Image of you the Son, grant faith, courage

Through ups and downs of life, each trial, test

Help us to see you work things for the best

Not only our well-being , our fine fare

But that we in the life of Christ full share


Come, forgive us, where we fall, go astray

Or be distracted, slip along the way

Your intent that we all your will do know

To obey you who have first loved us so

And ever with the blesséd hope in view

All who believe gathered for e\'er with you