Stuttering, stuttering, stutter balloons
line the child too soon.
on and on and on and always on
codepending doom —
Splattering, splattering, splatter balloons
like soda in cartoons.
fun and fun and fun and always fun
is blood beneath the moon —
Never, Never and always Never,
Never a moment too soon.
Stuttering, stuttering, stutter balloons
line the child too soon.
on and on and on and always on
codepending doom —
echoing, echoing, echo balloons
scare away the groom.
echoing, echoing, echo balloons
curtaintailing noon
echoing, echoing, echo balloons
arching nude over their food.
done and done and done and always done
is love beneath the sun —
Stuttering, stuttering, stutter balloons
line the child too soon.
run and run and run and always run
before chance cuts between —
Splattering, splattering, splatter balloons
like soda in cartoons.
Found, Found and always Found
Is the man without a balloon.