
The One Percenters


You think that your better, we know that you do. But I’m here to tell you, that shit just ain’t true. All of your money, and all the excess. Hoarded for yourself, you call that success? You all act like assholes, like your higher up above. That tower your on, I’ll give you a shove. Let’s bring you back down, to see how we live. Real wealth isn’t taken, it’s in all that you give. Not money or objects, those things do not count. Give love to a neighbor, that’s what it’s about. I’ll never have money, and I do not mind. Because what I do have, is harder to find. Friends to depend on, a family I adore. What more in this life, could one man ask for? I’ll leave you with this, though I know you’ll ignore it. Keep thinking your better, the other 99% of us don’t give a shit.