Nicholas Browning

Demon and The Pretender


Fumbling around like some lost lamb in the dark;
A wolf ate your heart, but somehow, you survived?
That\'s a laugh, I don\'t recall ever telling you that I was sane.
Oh wait, I did. No no no, hold on, did I?


Importance derives from meaning.
The tree of youth, its leaves flourish:
Golden chalice, brimmed with a delectable infusion.
It rides the slope smoothly, but afterward, it is all but bitter.


What is this? Some kind of theatre show?
Hah! Buffoons, dressed like peasants!
And that one seems to have a sack
Filled to its edges with pleasant presents.
Can I come out now?


Retaining the meaning within yourself,
The picture you have painted, exalts, it refines.
Forward movement, lightly taken
In turn will see it shine.


How many counts to three, from one?
This is becoming awfully dreary.
You know, a little bit of red wouldn\'t hurt the scenery,
Nope! Not one bit!


Tungsten, one silver, the other blue.
To keep at bay the voice inside
That always sings to you.


It\'s simple really.
One of them DIES and the other one LIVES!
All of these moving picture thingies turn out the same you know.


The true meaning of life is the meaning that you give it.
If you see no meaning, then there is none.
Always remember that.


Soooo, let me get this straight.
That\'s the Demon, and he\'s the Pretender.
Always ponder of which side you must surrender.
Merging two into one, was not even remotely an option.
You should have known better!
Digesting the truth, sorting out the lies.
Yeah right, good luck. Now then,
Which one am I?