
He\'s Coming

People be ready,

at all times.

The Lord will come when he pleases.

Do not think to wait until the last second.

No prediction date will happen,

or doomsday scientific thesis.

I am not just some,

conspiracy theorist.

The Lord will come on his terms,

and not to appease us.

No one knows when,

they will see Jesus.

He will come like a thief in the night,

and for those who thought,

that they were ready and were not,

they will be in for a fright.

Because after the rapture,

when his servants are gone,

will come the anti-christ.

Don\'t think it will be,

so easy then.

Because then you will have to choose a side.

Most likely you will choose the wrong one,

because you will have been so blind.

I don\'t mean to scare you,

or be mean about it,

but I have to speak about it,

but the truth is that we can\'t always rely on time.

So be ready by having Christ in your life.

In the end it will all have been worth it,

and forget about the doomsday theories.

and movies that like to rehearse it.