Fay Slimm.






Pregnant with longing day\'s molten sky
displays first cloudlets skimming plains
and shuffling them into afternoon piles
of slow-greying duvets heavy with rain.
Edging nearer change threatens to spill
wet on whatever is left to kick or cavort
waiting at waterless holes for the filling
of liquid-need life weakly stomps, snorts
and squawks for drench to begin for fur
hide and feather sways in parched thirst.

This is the worst arid drought with gross
loss of life, newsworthy absence of rain
brings closer to ends each seared throat
and heat-scorched limbs move painfully
to dry- holes while edges between dying
of dehydration appear to grow narrower.
Yet as jet cracks lightning behind horizon
nostrils flare and lips in anticipation throw
ready mouths open to catch the first drop
of heavenly nectar before downpour stops.