
progressing life /disintegrating processes

life is like a cycle,

recyclable bioproducts feeding fertile soil, as we eat from earth,

whether, whatever, weather , there\'s continuity for better or for worse, /vice versa, better yet, sometimes the worst is for the best,

forebearers entwined between the unequivocal binds seemingly eternally confined,

we sleep talk with our eyes wide shut, only to be awaken by the awaiting everso coming rut,

sky is not the limit,

true love is overlooked,

dastardly lust induces it\'s users hallucinatory,

coming at ye\' spineless, sidewinding,

waiting to strike like a viper on unborn mice,

injecting thorough venom, until your solely left throbbing ,bitter, brittle then empty, searching for more,

fungi and mushrooms are born and breathe freely as do we, 

the lens of the parasite prod at us like giant-microscopic, cyanotic, invisible, tentacles, symbiotic, striving off of us, even if we are already lifeless.