
The Desolate Old

They or maybe we,

set the tone for those to come,

thinking that we,

would be taken care of.

Still, they felt,

that because they were quicker,

they would leave us in the mud.

Our wisdom and experience,

It meant nothing,

as they swept us under the rug.

We built multi billion dollar companies.

We were the CEOs,

but as soon as they thought,

we lost a step,

they said that we fit the mold.

Hoping we would,

never come back,

and no one would ever know,

they send us off,

and leave us,

as the desolate old.

We were the kings and explorers.

We brought countries together,

and claimed new land.

They gave us about,

twenty years of glory,

before the settlers,

said that we were banned.

They then took all the credit,

saying, \'we built this stone from sand\'.

Now the kings, explorers, and CEOs,

are all shaking hands,

and it\'s not because,

we\'re all good friends.

we just don\'t want,

to be all alone.

We don\'t want to feel low,

as being known,

as the desolate old.

Soldiers from world war two,

we love to wear our hats,

and tell old war stories,

to our grandchildren.

Because our kids,

are to busy for that.

All we have is a holiday,

and some benefits.

They say that it\'s real easy.

When most of us,

don\'t know how to claim it.

Aside from that,

we have a giant graveyard,

wear each is given,

a white cross.

Now nothing is left of us,

not our stories.

Even our names are tossed.

In our final years,

we sit in our chair,

watching ourselves unfold.

Because the people,

who pass right by us don\'t care,

about anything we\'ve ever told.

They say, \'no one\'s listening.

What you did,

happened a long time ago\'.

Finally we see,

the sign that says,

\'Welcome to the desolate old\'.