
The Sinner / Winner

Have you ever looked into the dark, and seen something that you shouldn’t have?

And that certain thing looked back with attentive eyes, wanting to create a bond.

All you’ve known are the values of the light, so you think yourself incorruptible,

But when those eyes draw you into new world, you’ll start your change regardless.


Always been told what to do with restraint, but when you question now you create,

So, with this re-education of life, you’ll sadly uncover what you love, is what you hate.

Toleration can be poisonous, those eyes tell you to end the problems that whir,

You’ll say “I don’t have time for permission” so you’ll pick up a gun and don some spurs.


Dark desire you cannot resist, you become a one-man army, authored by those eyes,

Staring daggers at you, stoking that fire, ensuring all is grounded and nothing flies,

Look around at the wreckage that you have wrought, it’s time to partake in thought,

“Is this really me?” you’ll ask yourself, all you’ll do is conquer ashes at this rate.


So, stranger in the dark, I know you want an end to certain dilemmas that dwell,

But two Hells, is one Hell too many, so control the anger in you that swells,

To the man who stares into darkness, keep yourself, as it’s the only thing you’ve got.

I plea unto you, do not destroy all you have, before the time comes for you to rot.