
First Haircuts, Stained Shirts, and Ice Cream Bars

About four years ago once again,

it was then that I knew.

I was again the happiest uncle.

I have a new nephew.

I know I was just an uncle,

but I really did not care.

I thanked the Lord and,

asked him to bless my nephew,

from his little toes to his curly hair.

I prayed that I would be,

the best uncle that I could.

It\'s funny because,

it was on my birthday,

when he first stood.

I know that he is to young,

but I let him sit by me when I watch sports.

I teach him who to like,

and who not to like,

in hockey, football, and so much more.

I teach him how to play chess.

He is so eager to learn.

I know someday,

that he will be the best,

when he stops getting upset,

after making a wrong turn.

I took him to get his first haircut.

He did not cry, nor did he move.

When he was finished, he told the barber,

\"thanks, I look cool\".

I bought him his first nice outfit.

He spilled grape juice on it as soon as he put it on.

Yet, I was more annoyed than him.

He did not even care what he had done.

Still, what could I possibly do.

I just smiled and said, \"oh well\".

I threw his shirt in the washer and said,

\"That\'s my nephew Jaminel\".