
Priestly People - Epistles of Peter Series - 3

Tune: Cruger

(\'Hail to the Lord\'s Anointed\')

1 Peter 2 v.5-10


We are a priesthood royal

Christian believers all

A spiritual house we be

With Christ our Head we see

A peculiar people

Purchased by God to be

His own, to serve, to follow

And Him through Christ to know


We are a generation

Chosen from each nation

To show forth all His praises

Each voice a song raises

His virtues shown, His graces

His mercies each traces

We called from darkness unto

His marvellous light true


Once we were not a people

And not noticeable

But now we are the people

Of God, He did us call

One time we did not mercy

Obtain, did not Christ see

But now we have obtained sure

His mercy evermore


So we that house spiritual

A priesthood holy all

Spiritual sacrifices

Offered, each suffices

May they be acceptable

To God, on Him we call

Christ to us a precious stone

We worship Him alone