This world is full of surprises. Something is always hidden in the darkness. When we was taught to walk in this world we was taught to wear blinders. We should’ve been told to always have a reminders, never believe the sight and do everything with the grace of your might. Hold your head high and never be afraid to grow or even show who you was meant to be. Everything now messes with your mental capabilities. Why does everything require your brain.. why can’t we walk the world with only our hearts and souls. We see with our hearts so you can see how pure someone is and by the soul so we can see how sincere the next person appear. Don’t you realize we fear what we can’t see. So no wonder we fear love. How can we welcome something with open arms if we haven’t been properly introduced. You know like “hi how are you my name is love what’s your name” instead it bombards our minds and bodies without any warning. Makes us feel and crave these desires from another species. Who said I wanted to crave these things. You said I wanted to have all these meaningful things for this human being.. this is why we should see with the heart and soul. Never let love take control. You will always end up broken and alone.