
Mankind\'s Quintessential...


synthetic universalistic whatsapp zeal!

cosmic cataclysmic big bang

simultaneously birthed consciousness while

instantaneously heaving fit full

embryonic materialistic, narcissistic viol


hint opportunistic polemic

spanning gamut viz genetic

algorithm comprise trial

and trail saddles a-blazing across

avast macroscopic to microscopic

organic harried style


swiftly tailored linkedin intrinsic,

inchoate molecular matter

infinitesimal speck trim

commensurate at once jamming


nimbly infinitely dense,

yet minuscule jotted bajillion see thing Kim

Jong un motile shim ming size dot amply, Jim

ming easily shrunken itty bitty, teensy weensy


FBI gentle giant James Comey, sporty

all 6\'8, \"yes sere re:,

and immeasurably fit entire prithee

cosmological amalgamation static cling free


(of course) into

pinhead sized sporophyte

blasted into one hot diggity

infinite space/time continuum juiced be


leave and accept

ma word as gospel \"not Fake\"

cuz, tha ma name o\'

this egocentric, idealistic Jake

feigning linguistic mania

ice till haint Trump,


that absolutistic make

king kinky pornographic,

quixotic, socialistic rake

whose sinister tentacles oozily

foul mouth Thus Spake


Zarathustra kit

and caboodle analogous to

Jason and the argonauts take

reinvented for dwindling constituents

diminishing pleasure


or, Jack Daniels (on par) venue viz

enfant terrible teething

inducing withering wake


provoking twittering voters

flipping him the bird

for chaos he wrought, where un zip

purring \"Stormy Daniels\" tryst


honesty still doth newt trip

up his sordid soirees diminishing cadre

pull lease vanishing point, where each slip

aye lichen to club moss Rip

Van Winkle,


where a score of (bumping uglies)

manifest sting angry bees

aiming toxic brew

melittin; histamine

and other biogenic


amines esse chew

with honey combed sour milk,

and maybe spoiled honey dew

which when Das Donald a loose cannon few


stalwarts stand shoulder to smolder grew

since election day, hiz juvenile raving lunacy

and pathological liar axe he doth hue

tearing thru desecrated

hard fought freedoms by gentile and Jew


for life, liberty, and the right

to arm paw lil bears,

boot evensmart pets knew

demise of democracy

got flushed down the water loo

posthumous resuscitation


(even with the help

of Annie Sez exit stage left moo)

vet PRONTO before Old Rotten Gotham

(along with the entire Webbed wide world)

incredibly plummets


at fast clip into behavioral sink

i.e. sewerage of poo

with pants down

still Trump doth gladly rue

jingoistic, oligarchic,

xenophobic viz votes bought too.