
Suffering Servants - Epistles of Peter Series - 4

Tune and Hymn: Angel Voices

1 Peter 2 v.19-25


For it is truly thankworthy

If one does, surely

For conscience to God does endure

Grief, suffering sure

Though wrongfully suffer they may

They follow their Saviour\'s way


For what glory is it, if when

You do suffer then

For your faults, and take it patient

As a penitent?

But if when you for well-doing

Suffer, graces it shall bring


For if suffering unjustly

You take patiently

What may come to you, with God shall

Be acceptable

For even to this you were called

But it leaves your faith unspoiled


For Christ also suffered for us

Saved us, we confess

Leaving for us an example

That we follow all

In His steps, he who did no sin

No guile found His mouth within


Who, when He was reviled, did not

Take up vengeful lot

Did not revile back in return

Though words harsh and stern

Were to Him spoken, and when He

Suffered, did not threaten, see


But He committed self unto

God, Father, anew

He that judges righteously, so

Good outcome shall flow

He, Christ, on the tree our sins bore

We forgiven evermore


In His own body He took there

Our penalty\'s share

Bearing our sins in His body

That we might be free

That we being dead to sins should

Live unto righteousness good


By His stripes, his wounds, we were healed

By His Spirit sealed

As sheep we were going astray

Wandering all day

But are now returned to Shepherd

And Bishop of our souls word