

Heed my call, O\'ravanous spirits whom inhabit my mind.

Take your leave from your luxurious dine on my treasured memories.

End your torment that left me crippled and afraid.

End your plague which festered in my mind, leaving me fatigued.


Heed my call, O\'dishonorable emotions whom played with my delusions.

Take your leave from my mended heart.

End your distractions from the brighter life.

End your actions which left me broken and lost.


Heed my call, O\'lustful anger whom clouded my vision with wrath.

Take your leave from my physical self.

End your lust for fire and rageful revenge.

End your violence for which it manipulates my sight.


Heed my call, O\'troubled thoughts whom surrender my well being.

Take your leave from the once innocent self.

End your eternal cycle of cured and diseased.

End yourself so that this cycle may never be returned again.


And again.
