
Shit i managed to fumble on to a page sober as fuck

Fuck I\'m done,

where the fuck is my gun,

I\'m sick asf of trying,

leave me a corpse lying

on the ground please just walk around,

I need no aid,

well, maybe a band-aid,

 cause that\'s how these meds feel,

and bandaids don\'t fix bullet holes,

and these meds ain\'t fixing shit either, 

my emotions are numb asf and I feel no fear,

please dont come near,

Ill lash out quicker than the Grinch at the end of every year,

the pleague of darkness consuming all thoughts of cheer,

woah that\'s dark darker than my nails,

crucify my broken bones and beat me with stones,

I deserve death,

my existence is a pleasure