
Shepherding Security

Tune: Thornbury

(\'Thy hand, O God, has guided\')

Psalm 78 v.65-72


O hear you people, and call

On God, the Lord of all

Be not disobedient

Salvation He has sent

In old times He awoke as one

Out of sleep, resting done

And like a mighty man that shouts

When he his wine pours out


And He smote His enemies

Put them to reproach, see

Refused of Joseph his tent

Nor Ephraim His intent

But tribe of Judah He did choose

Mount Zion, hear good news

For the Lord did love it, we tell

it is where He did dwell


His sanctuary was therein

Like high palace, no sin

And like the earth which He made

It does continue staid

He chose David, His servant

When midst his sheep he went

From following sheep He did bring

Him to be ruler, king


He fed Jacob*, God\'s people

Pastored, shepherded all

Fed them by integrity

Of his heart, skilful he

Employed his hands to serve and care

The Lord\'s way with them share

So day were bright, pure delight

As they kept God in sight


* Jacob - another name for the nation of Israel