Honey Silk

Only yours

Each day I wonder what you are like. 

I wonder what your fingertips feel like as they graze the skin of my cheek before I feel the warmth of your palm. 

I wonder about the rhythm of the beat of your heart with my ear pressed to your chest. 

I wonder about the kind of music you like, the music that gets you through tough times and lifts you back on your feet. 

I wonder about what runs through your mind, what takes up space in your thoughts and the kind of questions that keep you up at night. 

I want to play with your hair, I want to trace my fingers over all your \"imperfections\" and I want to admire them so you could see just how beautiful they are to me. 

I\'m gonna want to quietly hold on to you, be it your arm or your hand. Some part of you that makes it all a little easier. 

I\'m gonna want to pick your brain, find out what gets your heart racing and what makes you smile. 

I can\'t help but think about the days we will spend apart. I\'ll be cheering you on where ever I am, ready to hear about how things have been going for you. 

I can\'t wait to laugh at your jokes, even if they aren\'t funny. I can\'t wait to send you goofy pictures so you could see how much your dork misses you. 

I would do all these things and more, I\'m just waiting for your arrival.