
The 10 Commandments of John Proctor

Abby, oh Abby what have you done
Thou shall not have any lords above me
Stop the lies you\'ve spun
You shall not make yourself an idol
Bring me to the bible
To cleanse myself of the sins I am liable
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
For I am so lowly
To this life I am letting go slowly
Honor your mother and father
Abby stop these lies
Don\'t let them go farther
He commanded you not murder
But your hands show blood
You do this because I denied you love?
He commands Abby thou shalt not steal
But you have taken the lives of
mothers brothers and sisters, husbands and wives
I beg as I kneel
For the ninth you are the most guilty
He demands you not give false testimony
But you spread these lies in court
Killing the innocent
Saving the evil within
You shall not covet your neighbor\'s house, wife, or property.
Your torture, your lies, will be documented in history
If only I hadn\'t forgotten the seventh of his commandments
I shouldn\'t have committed adultery
It has lead us to this
Even the pure Elizabeth
Has been damaged in the midst
I have said my commandments
I am innocent a witch
But you are God’s Glitch