Writings From The Unknown13

The Demon In Me

thanks to you i have trust issues...

no matter who it is it could be the most honest person in the world..

until i remember what you did to me!!

thanks to you youve fucked up my life...

and i will never be able to trust anyone the same ever again.

show your face here again..

i dare you!!

see what happens!!

its the demon inside me that had become the demon in me.

its there now.

the demon inside me is stuck...

its a part of me now!!!

ive always had a demon side in me..

but when it met you it started acting like a fool...

and when the truth hit me..

the demon in me took control...

and i became a different person!!

theres more than one demon in me...

one is for when i get angry,

the second one is for when im depressed,

and the third one is for when i have my demonic anxiety attacks!!!

you told me i will forget about you...


i wish i could but i seriously cant...

no one can forget someone after they have left you with scars...