Kevin Michael Bloor

Lost Love

I held love in my arms one summer
Till summer heat began to fade
Then like a bee-bright honey hummer
She flew away down tree-lined glade

I missed her golden, gleaming tresses
I missed her eyes of China Blue
I missed her shape in skin-tight dresses
I missed, for I still loved her true

I lost her loving for a lifetime
But I could not forget her smile
As ghost, she came to haunt my night-time
With beauty that could still beguile

I pined for her until the twilight
Began to cast its aging spell
I mourned for her as tears and moonlight
Upon my poet’s pages fell

I saw, once more, the love I’d longed for
When love had long been buried deep
A gran, with daughter’s bairn to care for
She did not smile; I did not weep.