
Blood on my hands ( Part 1 )


What have I done?

Covered in blood head to toe, where was I last night, where did I go

Whatever I did under the moon I can see in the sun

I gotta retrace my steps, I need to know, quick shower and changed now I’m ready to go


Crimson footprints lead to my car

I open the door more blood on the floor, handprints on the steering wheel and smears on the dashboard

I can’t have traveled that way very far

Turn the key hear the engine roar, following the peel out marks to see what I did before, feeling the weight of what I might have done to my core


Two blocks away 

a caution tape police crime scene,

one officer states it’s the most blood he’s ever seen

What can I say

That’s the house of my x Ilene, the queen of mean, even her voice in my head is on constant scream


I fit the description

The car radio said a large white man about six foot four, was spotted leaving the scene the night before

But I’m not a killer something is missing

Information, I needed more, but if they spot me I’m going to jail for sure


LukeCoomer ©