I am haunted by apparitions of dormant eulogies
Yet I never told you of these
For you could never understand why
I\'ve stained your house with insignificance
Why the imitations of youth
Make all the difference
Why I leave ginger hand printed innocence
Umbrella submissions in October\'s November
Plastic witnesses sought to remember
My love of ember,
Once upon a time
Where I\'m tracing the remnants
Of primitive smears
Underneath the floorboards
Where I hid my fears
In light of demons behind thee
Lighting thy hallways all of these years.
Blessing your binding
I will always
Remain as I gray
In the ground where I lay
Echoes in corners where I was once praying
I think you\'ve forgotten where you left me
While I repair and give air
To a prosperous seed
My producing shall grasp from all that I heed
With this mask I\'m hidden in spaces
Now and forever
Completely unseen
Clean, though unaware of the sever of-
I reach for thy hand to help me deliver
The Love that I\'ve salvaged
From the dullest Gray,
Is now submerged in a pool
Of pumping pleases
Incompletely whole at the end of the day,
I\'m closing the cupboards on your
habitual feces.
In binding,
We could save much from your mental diseases.