
He Will Lead You

The beginning of wisdom,

is the fear of the Lord.

It does not mean,

to be scared of him.

It simply means,

to acknowledge the fact,

that he is first,

and is all powerful.

So if I were to boast in anything,

then it would be the fact,

that I am wise.

I do not like to boast.

Those who fear the Lord,

are those who trust him,

and those who trust him,

are not afraid to move ahead.

Overall, they use good judgement.

They stay on the right path.

It is because,

of their trust in the Lord,

that he does not steer you,

in the wrong direction.

Still, if you become,

in the flesh,

becoming beside yourself,

and you make the mistake,

out of ignorance,

and take the wrong path,

then once you realize again,

that you fear of the Lord,

you will turn back in the right direction.

Because nobody is perfect,

I make my share of mistakes.

Still, I would rather,

make my mistakes,

knowing that the Lord will always catch me,

rather than making mistakes,

with no one for support.