Tune: Sandys
(\'Teach me, My God,and King\')
2 Peter 1 v.19-21
We have a more sure word
Prophecy, can be heard
Whereunto we do well if we
Take heed unto it, see
For it is as a light
That shines, dispelling night
Shines in a dark place till day dawn
Until the wakening morn
When day does dawn, night parts
Then day star in your hearts
Shall arise, light, life, you shall know
The Scriptures the way show
Know this, no prophecy
Be of man\'s faculty
Not private interpretation
Of man-made salvation
For prophecy of old
Was not by man\'s will told
Not fables, myths, messages feigned
But through it true life gained
How come then prophecy?
Holy people it be
Who spake, wrote, as the Spirit moved
These have enduring proved
\'Prophecy\' can mean \'speaking God\'s message
for the present or the future\'.