
Minotaur (letting go)

I want to say things so softly that you barely hear them
but know they have been said;
like \"I love you\" whispered through a train window,
mostly eyes.
Like the softest murmur of kisses on your sleeping head.
My love must sneak like a thief in the darkness to you.
Yes. I do always want more.

If that we do not love each other there is nothing.
Only love makes sense of us or solves us or forgives us.
I am not talking about chains.
It is only love that sets us free.
You refuse to love me.
There is nothing then.
I waited a long time for love to find it\'s path through the labyrinth of you.
I fancy sometimes I hear it bellowing in the tunnels.
A despairing Minotaur trapped in darkness.

I\'m for the light now.
Maybe your love will find the daylight one day.
I\'ll be in Ithica.
With my children.
In the sun.
Not watching any horizon.