we\'re standing in the Staff Courtyard
it\'s break time
and we\'re doing coffee and a cigarette
when he says to me
I\'ve always worked in Psych
I love it
I\'ve never been tempted
by anything else
it\'s changed though
from the old days
a hell of a lot really
he takes a deep drag
lets out the blue smoke
of a reflective moment
has another sip out of the Styrofoam cup
and says
you know what
about a year ago
we had a real old-fashioned case come in
like we used to get
in the old days
no drugs
no family history
no obvious causes
just crazy
mad as a cut snake actually
it was a first presentation
and it took a while
but we fixed him up
he got better and we turned him loose
he hasn\'t been back
that\'s what I like best
good straight-forward madness
that you can do something with
but you don\'t see much of that