
You\'re Trying.

I get it.

I see it.

I appreciate it.

But it’s not enough.


I’m still your babysitter.

I’m still just part of the bunch.

I’m still a housemaid.

And it’s all too much.


Another kid in your life.

Another child to watch over.

Another person to care about.

But why does that feel false?


I don’t think you meant anything.

I don’t think it was on purpose.

I don’t think you forgot me.

So why does that feel true?


I’m sure you still love me.

I’m sure you still care.

I’m sure you don’t hate me.

But the neglect is still there.


I want to say you haven’t

Made mistakes in the past

But we both know I’d be lying

If I said it


I don’t want to babysit

I don’t want to be shunned

I don’t want to do housework

I want to spend time with you


I’m trying.

You’re trying.

We’re trying.

But it’s not enough.