MARY Swillum

No Shoes on His Feet

The feeble old man

Lays on the park bench

 Curled up in a ball

With a bible to clench.

He has no shoes on his feet


He wears a rugged old coat

That\'s too big for his size

His jeans are so dirty and torn

With patches to stop their demise.

He has no shoes on his feet.


His teeth are chattering

As he shivers in the cold

No scarf to wrap around

Not even a blanket to unfold.

He has no shoes on his feet.


I asked the feeble man

Why do you stay here

He said with a tear in his eyes

I haven\'t a home or family that\'s near.

He has no shoes on his feet.


Can I buy you a pie

And coffee to warm

They walk down the hill

In such a slow form.

He has no shoes on his feet.


When he finished his pie

He stood up with a smile

I thank you for your kindness

I have to go for awhile

As he walks away with no shoes on his feet.


By Idlechatter