
The Only Reason

I set myself a limit

Twenty eight days

On the twenty eighth 

My life would change

Or more likely


And so, on that day

I trudged down to the lake

With a bag

Water, and 6 prescription drugs

And I cried

And as of my selfishness

I cried some more

But, as I\'d never been the lucky type

Someone heard me

And as a reached for the anti depressants

I heard a voice

Assuming it was God\'s punishment

I worked faster

It got louder

One, two, three

\"That\'ll kill you, ya know?\"

Four, five, six

\"Miss are you okay?\"

Seven, eigh-

\"Miss, you must stop now.\"

The bottle disappeared

I reached for empty air

But that space was soon full

With something bigger

Something with life

\"Miss, do you have anything to live for?\"

I felt like a child asking for my bottle back 

I answered

No. I never have.

\"Not a friend? Not family?\"

Why would I be friends with cookie cutter, plastic dolls

All the same 

All to blame

The voice didn\'t leave

\"Miss, is there a single thing in your life to live for?\"

 I wanted the voice to leave

I have a dog

\"And that\'s it?\"


\"Then you won\'t be needing these.\"

My bag disappeared

And I was left

With empty space

And a full mind