Kurt Philip Behm

The First Law (+1)

“Things Go From Bad To Worse”

 the Second Law of Thermodynamics


“Spirit Is Not A Thing”

 —the First Law of Eternal Life


Listening To David Berlinski: April, 2018




Adrift In The Wind


There is too much ancestry coursing my soul

 to do me any real good


To live in a cave on a deserted island

 my destiny best understood


Success once achieved is cast far aside

 its burden to hamper my play


Genealogy stalks and preys as it looms

 to darken those brightest of days


Each block lay unstacked as I run off again

 my freedom left calling within


My soul unattached to the gifts I step over

 —all fame left adrift in the wind


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2018)