
Towards Eternity.

The droning goes on

As the preacher speaks,

His voice unintelligible.

I look round the Church

And see others equally bemused.

I look out the window

And see My River floating by,

And the glory of My Spirit

Floating just above it.


I return from my dream

But he is still speaking,

In his strange boring way.

I look round the Church

And see others nodding – asleep.

I look out the window

And see the sky,

The soft white clouds

Floating in their sea of blue.


Once more I return

But the preacher won’t stop,

He doesn’t seem to care.

I look round the Church

At the boredom on their faces.

I look into myself,

And see My Life within me

As My River and My Spirit

Float with the clouds,

With wondrous pleasure,

Towards that wonderful Eternity.