Fay Slimm.






Morning\'s mist unrolls to boost
a sapphire-blue roof.
Shining above warmer footings
of luminous movement
dawn brooms out grey reducing
night\'s cloudy hood
and time allowed I arise to use
given chances, commune
with nature as changes produce
from nakedness Beauty.


So I am away to spot birthings
of green, to unearth
modest beginnings of early
thrusting thru\' thirsty
need of Spring-coating bare
moorland, to stare
in awe as re-growth prepares
from cold winter\'s lair
festival beds, places where
Flora\'s combed hair
spreads its ribbons of rarity.


I intend to be there
when snowdrop gems\' rare
show is shared
with no other disturbance 
to fanfare\'s first
shy pale-faced uncurlings.


There\'s nothing like mingling  
with Springtime\'s beginnings.