
A Worse Fate Then Death

(when living nightmare pierced real time thus engendering the following rhyme)   adrenaline powered stealth bomb blast with the noggin of this, ah... ur... bane chap, which debilitating anxiety doth outlast means to cope (thunder and dumb struck) with stranger mental things   at expressed vertigo, nausea, racing heartbeat ogres recreated tormented, torpedoed, tortured most decades from my yesteryear, which aye presumed long passed.   now, within my head \"guerilla\" warring faction lobs a grenade followed by \"bombs away\" broadside finding this body electric doing   a kamikaze nosedive into sick bay where major organs suffer direct hit analogous to a giant fist smashing pumpkins,   sans thine flesh as if clay, which psychic sortie plagues my ability to function reduced tub bing bedridden one day   approximately one week ago from this thirtieth of April tooth house sand ate teen gray ting, grinding, and grounding with figurative   threshing blades employed to winnow chaff from hay literally crushing willpower, where invisible jaws   of sharpened steel interlay atop pulling stalwart garrison strafed, (akin to a crash test dummy) named Jay Walking to become blindsided   obliterating every last trace to stay alive hence, this emergency transmission, viz this bloke communicating desperate plaintive wail,   that I haint okay with plea PLEASE HELP this tortured soul on verge pray begging tubby rescued before drowning   like a panicky gull clay pigeon, and buoy albatross strangling me far distant from any quay quickly sinking spirits, abducted via fiendish runaway!