
Dear Abby

You waited a long time,
Two minutes into the night you were
out the door,
Out of love you were generous,
You only gave all you wanted too,

I want to show you how you hurt me,
Maybe I\'m just talking to a brick wall,
But how awful the cold wind feels after
A beautiful spring day.

And the same applies to you.
I was upset, you were enjoying yourself.

I was bedridden and ached from my
Liver to my oily skin, you were off having fun.

Those friends of yours aren\'t any better.
I tried to reach out to them and they said I was a freak.
You said that I was nothing to you.

I took you\'re word and pushed you away
But please don\'t think I did you wrong.
You aren\'t the one staying up all night, sick and devastated.

Also remember that you aren\'t perfect,
Nobody is but you act like you are, Please Don\'t.
Many people are selfless and that\'s just not you.

Also, tell you\'re sister I love her and that she doesn\'t
Deserve to be picked on by you.