
bosnian summers

Oh, take me to where the sun shines with grace,

Where the breeze is warm and it brightens my face!

Where the ice cream shop is open till dusk,

And from there you can hear harmony prayer from the musk!

Take me to the land that is homely and sweet,

Where the temperature is higher and blue flip flops are on my feet!

Where the mountains are as tall as any plush cloud,

And the concerts at night swooning and loud!

Take me to the small country within Europe\'s land,

Where the nature is grand and the alcohol is brand!

Where the air smells minty and nice,

And the houses have fresh pita and rice!

Take me to where the people are fair,

Where they are kind and everything is spooled with care!

Where the sky met the horizon in a violet kiss,

And the cool nice wind was indeed a bliss!

Please, oh please, take me to Bosnia once more,

For that is where my dreams are made at their core!