Fay Slimm.




On The Run

Whether loved or hated a city has otherness.

Tolerate that and find life\'s verve underneath
its thick asphalt skin.

Tufts of grass brave enough to fight through
paving are kindly avoided by feet of idealism
while pigeons count value in tuppence a bag.

Sane melts in a blink when thinking of cities.

Change pushes overnight handles of styled
alteration in circulation-excitement.

Sunrise mingles movement of street vendor
noise with exhaust\'s blackened fumes that
strangling quiet with stale odours diverge 
to stiff necks digesting toxic when trying 
to experience bits of lightening sky.

Handing out however gold stars for visits 
old city locations collect every prize.


Convention, idolised in all ceremonial lures
those without background culture of glitter 
as visitor-fever clutters streets of a city with
increasing intention its gilt to buy.

Hurray for the resident population\'s ready
welcome for day-long influx.

Eyes of all shades widen with wonder in
preparation for mass invasion of age-old
custom and dash to see rite-arrangement
that decreases contents of sizable wallets
in city\'s perpetual holiday trade.


Fantasy can move country-side dwellers
to choose packed quit-bags and see fun
in neon\'s bright cities.



Grand vistas of mellow-stone ancient walls 
lean towards historic mutation yet draw 
builders to mod-con. renovation for all 
those wealthier waiting tenants.

Myriads the camera-shots of known faces         
strolling down avenues made for the rich.


City folk love the familiar and keenly aid
all celebratory féting that performs ancient
ritual in coloured regalia before night\'s gaudy
take-over while morning\'s unshaven mirrors
yawningly wink at populous on the run.

Racing to earn crusts the early rush laughs
at the squeeze of discomfort as it wryly 
kneads city bread with lust for its crumbs.

Whether loved or hated a city boasts not
only chance for adventure but otherness.