

I see the beauty of the sky,
The bugs that flutter by.
I see the bushes blowing in the breeze,
The wind was sweeping the trees.
The sun met the ground is a soft kiss,
The sight was beautiful; you cannot miss.

The sky was a painting of hues,
The deep waters softly hit the pues.
The waves glittered soft light,
By the door of time awaited night.

All was calm within the land,
There I laid, in a patch of cool sand.
A cigarette hanging low from my lip,
And holding a glass of juice, waiting to sip.

Watching the the clouds roll away,
Yet the splattered sky was there to stay.
I puffed the smoke from my cheeks,
For calmness was all a soul seeks.

Finally I felt free in the air,
Sitting alone with little to care.
I gave out a laugh full of heart,
For I realized the night just had its start.

I touched the skies and tops of leaves,
Free of murderers, humans, thieves.
It was just me and the earth all alone,
And that thought simply chilled me to the bone.

But I continued forth on my quest of calm,
I touched the flowers with my palm.
The oak of the bark brushed my skin,
The beauty within the world was such a sin.

I found a place to lay my head,
I flew into the clouds and laid in their bed.
Snuggling into its soft dewdrops,
Peeking through my lashes to see the tree tops.

All was silent except for the quiet cricket band,
I was in my starry-eyed wonderland.
And when I awoke the nature wasn’t there,
I was back in reality; it just wasn’t fair.