Why wasn\'t it written in the
About Prostitution
we are losing
The Holy battle
Trying to keepsake
Our Daughters from
That govern the streets
These sophisticated
Have our children minds
In shackles
Speechless on the other end
Of the phone
Is a random dial tone
I am saying
To my daughter
I said
I know you can hear me
I love you infinity
Can\'t know one ever steal that away
I know it is you
Please don\'t never hang up
I will lose you forever
They warned you not to say
So just listen to my voice
Its not your choice
These are bad people
Thats evil
You are not a whore
You are a child of god
I love you more
Then my own life daughter
I wish there were more done to
Protect you
From the elements
Who ever thought a sick predator
Would kidnap you
From your own sanctuary
Use your own
Computer against you
In then make you a human slave
The last thing you said to me
Was dad I am going to meet up with a friend
Be careful whom you call friends
I said back to you
You said I love you dad
I responded I love you too
And just like that you were gone out
My life
I don\'t blame you babe
The Constitution didn\'t include