O.G. Tone

The .. Family ..Guy !!!

Today I reinforced the biggest lie

I have kept to myself

The truth wasn\'t in me today

So I have added extra lies to give it


I have always told the

Exact same lie

To protect the truth

I tried to just hide this innocent

Little lie at first

But the truth kept standing up

Making it harder for me to keep this a


If I ever had to tell my love ones

My secret

They will be crushed

I have been doing such a great job

At faking the truth

That I really don\'t know how to be honest

The truth is

I have convinced myself

Into believing that i am this rich guy


There go\'s the truth

Slipping out at the wrong time

Tricky little bastard


I own a nice big house

In a cul-de-sac

I drive an expensive car

I wear the top name brands


Louis Vuitton


I wear an expensive Rolex


The Cons are

I own nothing

The cloths are fake

the car is a lease

And the house is rented

Oh yeah

The watch is a knock off as well

But don\'t a leaving soul know this but me

Keeping this a secret

From my family in friends

Is getting harder everyday

Most days I think about just running away

Doing like Niccolo Machiavelli

Did when he faked his own death

So I can leave peacefully

And everyone assumed I died rich

The crazy part about this entire lie is

I use to be the guy I think I am today

Rich and successful

And just like a big gust of wind

It all blew out the window

And I have been faking it every since

I have made some bad decisions

Bad investments

And then shit just happened

I do have my health to thank

I have a labor job now

A good out look for the future

And a beautiful family that mean the world

To me

They all think we are this rich family

And we are just in love though

As long as I look in there eyes in see them happy

Then I guess I will leave with this lie

A little longer

What the hell do they care

As long as we are happy


I will leave with this lie

Until I see there is know more love being shared

And only then I am not rich anymore

I will just be me again

The family guy