
Goodbye Love

Goodbye Love

Today I must say my final farewell to love

The very thing that has completely and totally enveloped my life

Has vanished in an instance

No warning

Just gone without a trace

What am I to do?

I still have so much life to live

But no longer a purpose

So much potential

But no drive to use it

So much to experience

But reason to no longer

I will spend the rest of my life a mere carcass of what I used to be

No feelings of contentedness I will ever have again

Only depression, despair, and numbness

I will walk this earth this earth with no intent

Just moving for the sake moving

Because without her their is no goal

I no longer see beauty in this world

For there is no beauty without her

The sounds of the the birds are nothing but random noises

And the mountains are just heaps of dirt on land

Without her here with me

I will spend the entirety of of this life thinking about what could have been

For I do not find joy in the present anymore

Life is a cruel existence

And it just took the one thing that made me see it any other way

Goodbye, My Love