
nesting birds

5/6/18 11:47PM

I have dreamt whole worlds! with their own ills! lesser virtues! short circuits! sand beaches!

The visions crack my brain! petrified strata for geology’s sake! but there are none studying this trench!

I am nothing but a stoop! half the concrete poured, the other too wretched to settle!

My brain and heart pugilize! All the lower organs turn on themselves, and never benefit from laphroaig!

Slime deadly into gutters! one hundred and fourty characters! all in a lineup! identify! height! weight! the man with the ruler is no king himself, but a steward!

All of my work is carried by bluebirds now! The only visible of their kind! And I can sculpt my own face with their talons!

Can there be a road with no lines, or at least with solid color? I run upstate and back again, all throwing my wiles astray!

I have scattered the ashes on this town, and each flick another day off my span!

Where are the sick and the infirm?

Were they too much?