


© 2018 Edward York


Little Johnny lay in his bed,

But he was wide awake.

He saw daddy hitting mommy,

And it made his little heart break.


He held his hands over his ears,

Trying to soften all the screams,

The pillow he held over his head,

Wouldn’t keep them from his dreams.


Little Johnny was only five years old,

But he lived his life in fear.

And all the makeup covered bruises,

Were revealed by mommy’s tear.


He didn’t understand why they fought,

Or the things he heard them say,

Or why the police car, parked out front.

Came to drive daddy away.


Johnny had tried to protect his mommy,

But he knew that he was too small.

And he got really scared when daddy,

Pushed mommy into the wall.


Johnny saw his mommy punched and kicked,

And then another whack.

He didn’t know that when the ambulance left,

Mommy was never coming back.