

Sunshine and rain 

the earth is bursting with life, but,

I don\'t feel it.

Bitter winter thoughts still fill me


I\'ve always been good at looking on the bright side, 

always seen the glass as half full

I used to think: I\'m still here, still living, the sun is shining, God is good. 

But what if my greatest fear is death?

death is permanent. I can\'t stop if from moving towards you. 

When it does come how will I enjoy the sun on my face?

   How can I delight in an good book?

   How can I let myself fall in love?

How can I do anything when we used to take the world on together? 

Now I think: Why her? The very one I would have chosen it not to be. 


Why did this have to happen to her, but also, 

why did this have to happen to me, because, 

life with sickness is hard for her, but, 

no life at all is hard for me. 


I am so here, in this world, right now, 

everything is so real. 

God promises eternity, and, 

with morality thrown in my face

I WANT that! for us, together, forever 


Eccsesiastes 3:11b \"He has put eternity into man\'s hearts\"



Even if the worst does come, that isn\'t the end. 

Death ISN\'T permanent, God already crushed it. 

Eternity is real and no matter what comes, 

we will be there, together, forever, 

thanking him. 


2 Peter 3:18b \"To him be the glory both now and to the days of eternity. Amen.\"