Frank Prem

Franks Psychiatry 5 #64: mad till knock-off

they’re mad today




col-en is calling me fran-kay
over and over
because he likes the sound of it


fran-kay      ha-ha-ha


fran-kay      ha-ha-ha




get under the shower bob


use the soap bob


wash under your arms bob


wash between your legs bob


wash your behind bob


use shampoo on your hair bob


bob will be leaving us soon
he\'s moving on
to independent living




alice has stolen some money from staff
and they’re talking about it around her
as if she isn’t there
and it looks like her paranoia is rising


one said


it’s obvious
she’s agitated because she’s feeling guilty


if we just keep on at her for a while
she’ll give it back
she won\'t hold out for long
when she knows that we know




the little gnome
is having an out-of-town ultra-scan
on an ulcer


in the car he bops
like a teenage fiend


inhales the music
on saturday morning video shows
and now the radio has tuned him in


go-go little gnome
just you go







she still calls me paul


I didn’t take it
the other one took it


be nice to me paul


can I have a cold coffee
and my cigarette


please paul




they’re all mad today


hurry up
knock-off-work o’clock

