
Peace, Perfect Peace

Tune: Divine Mysteries

(\'Sweet Sacrament Divine\')


Peace here for a Sunday

Peace here for a Monday

Peace any day of week

\'Tis God\'s peace that we seek

The best peace is His peace, bar none

We access it through Christ His Son

Transcends all earthly forms

Of peace, \'tis His shalom


Seek His peace, find His peace

\'Twill in your life release

Receive His peace, it will

Lift troubled souls from ill

And troubled spirits it shall calm

Protect from trouble, fear, and harm

Blessing from Him it be

Perfect peace constantly


It shall to your depths reach

Security to each

Healing, unlocks within

Peace with God, freed from sin

Through Jesus\' blood shed on the tree

Forgiveness there for you and me

Find peace true, eternal

Through Christ, now hear His call


God who ne\'er strives, ne\'er fazed

He worthy to be praised

He Creator and King

We Him our worship bring

And He is Ruler over all

Our times in His hand, we not fall

His hand is strong and sure

All-powerful e\'ermore