
Shed tears for a stranger

I feel like I live in world with constant competition.

People lie and manipulate with no belief in superstition.

It feels like a content battle of who’s life is the worst. 

No one sits stops and thinks about putting others first. 


Someone else is suffering but that effects you more then them?

Someone else is crying but here you go again. 

Wrapping yourself up into other people issues 

Craving attention and sympathy with tear filled tissues. 

FAKE FAKE FAKE I refuse to believe what I see. 

You are stupid if you think you deceive me. 


People are struggling with REAL fucking issues, 

Other peoples time and generosity that you continue to misuse. 

How dare you steal time and pain from those really suffering. 

Your behaviour is like a DVD that wont stop buffering 

it’s annoying, inconsiderate and you should be ashamed, 

You’re treating someone else life as if it is a game.


Someone you don’t know lost there life and that effects you? 

Someone\'s been in an accident, someone you never even knew.. 

You sit and compare others bad news to yours.. 

Even when the other persons scars are still sore. 


Just take a minute to think, do you really need to speak

About how a strangers loss is making you feel bleak and WEAK

Take a second to recognise the blessings you have 

Instead of thieving others heart break and pretending you are sad. 


Now wait a second, I understand that you have issues too

Maybe your life was awful and there was bad things you went through.

But you shouldn’t crave attention from a strangers loss 

And if you do, re - evaluate the line that you’ve crossed 


Everyone is hurting in some way or another, 

Maybe it’s to do with a child, a friend, your dad, mum or brother?

Life takes its turns and it can be really hard

But if the issue isn’t yours to grieve, let go of the charade. 


Please don’t get me wrong, I’ve shed tears for a stranger too,

Someone I didn’t know, never met, I have no idea what they went through.

Grief comes in ripples and effects people in different ways. 

It’s important to know that your grief is okay. 

Sometimes news can be shocking and it can make you feel REALLY low. 

But respect people close to the incident instead of putting on a show.