Closing the door

I can feel the angels crying as you close the door. 

How much can one person hurt before they can\'t hurt anymore?



When I was young I used to sing and dance,

Making up songs of sweet romance.

When you were young did you dream? 

Did you have faith in what the future would bring?

Not a day went by that I didn\'t pretend,

Always believing in love without end

Was I ever so innocent and full of hope?

I\'m sure I was, it was just so long ago.

I still believe that love is real,

Though it doesn\'t feel how I thought it would feel.

Always thought love was tender and kind,

Felt that love shouldn\'t have to be blind.

Mama taught me that love would compromise,

Keeping both hearts happy would make us wise.

How could I have fallen for someone with such different views?

No-one has hurt me like I\'ve been hurt by you.



And now here I stand with tears in my eyes,

Trying to have faith because love isn\'t love when it\'s filled with lies.